Food Systems Summit - France National Statement [fr]



SEPTEMBER 24, 2021

Mr. Secretary-General of the United Nations,
Madam Deputy Secretary General,
Ladies and Gentlemen,

One third of humanity does not have access to sufficient quantities of healthy and nutritious food. This is a terrible fact, which should alert us all, in a context marked by health crises, conflicts and environmental disorders.

To alert us, and lead us to act, in order to sustainably transform our food systems and bring coherence to our climate, trade, food and agricultural policies. Because there is no choice between feeding the world with quality and diversified products and preserving our planet. These two essential battles are intimately linked, and we must fight them together.

This is why France has taken its responsibilities.

We have chosen to increase our plant protein production capacity.

While strengthening our food sovereignty to remedy the structural weaknesses revealed by the pandemic crisis, we must also reduce our carbon footprint, avoid importing deforestation products and offer healthier food to our fellow citizens.

At the same time, we will accelerate the agro-ecological transition, while ensuring that we support our farmers, who must be able to live with dignity from their work.

This commitment to agro-ecology is something we also intend to promote on the international scene. Because it is a formidable lever for improving the food security of populations, promoting the development of societies, supporting the most vulnerable and responding to the disruption of our planet: the climate emergency and the erosion of biodiversity.

This is why we support the Agroecology Coalition.

With this same objective in mind, at the One Planet Summit last January, France launched the Great Green Wall Accelerator, a mosaic of innovative agro-ecological solutions that will help restore ecosystems and set up efficient and sustainable value chains in eleven Sahelian countries.
- 18 billion dollars have already been mobilized.
- By 2030, they will be used to restore 250 million hectares of land for agriculture, create 10 million jobs and sequester 250 million tons of carbon.
- Through the French Development Agency, we will contribute nearly €600 million over five years to the deployment of this project

France also supports the School Meals Coalition.

Under the aegis of the WFP, this initiative aims to ensure that school children around the world have at least one healthy, safe and diversified meal a day.
Within the framework of this coalition, France will share its experience and best practices and will support political mobilization in this area by mobilizing its research institutes.
It is already financing the launch of the WFP initiative and is making its experts available to it.

In order to achieve the goal of "Zero Hunger by 2030", governments, international organizations, researchers, local authorities, civil society actors and private companies must continue to work together on the sustainable transformation of our food systems. You can count on France’s commitment at your side.

Thank you.

Dernière modification : 08/10/2021

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