Food Systems Summit - Coalition on Agroecology [fr]

Launched at the Pre-Summit in July, the Coalition on Agroecology now brings together many member states and organizations, including France, which is one of its founding members. On the occasion of the Food Systems Summit, the French Minister of Agriculture and Food, Mr. Julien Denormandie, recalled France’s commitment to the coalition.


Food systems now under threat

Today’s agricultural and food systems are facing major environmental, climate and health challenges, while at the same time having to respond to food security and nutrition. Food systems are increasingly impacted by climate change. At the same time, they contribute to one third of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and certain agricultural practices contribute to the erosion of biodiversity, environmental pollution, land degradation and the depletion of water resources. More than 800 million people are still hungry, two billion are micronutrient deficient and two billion are overweight or obese, while one third of the food produced is lost or wasted globally. The precarious livelihoods and social inequalities faced by many farmers and food system workers exacerbate their difficulties in ensuring adequate nutrition for all.

The benefits of agroecology for sustainable food systems

Agroecology, including regenerative agriculture, can be a powerful lever to address these major challenges and provide sustainable solutions to the challenges of food security and nutrition, poverty alleviation and social inequality, climate change, biodiversity and natural resource conservation, and zoonotic disease control, by working towards a transformation of sustainable agricultural and food systems.

The Coalition on Agroecology

Since its launch, France has been fully mobilized in favor of the coalition for agroecology. Presented at the United Nations Pre-Summit on Food Systems in Rome, the coalition for agroecology has managed to mobilize a large number of member states and organizations, whose diversity reflects the cross-cutting nature of agroecology.

The main objectives of this coalition are to:

1. Implement the policy recommendations of the Committee on world food security on agroecological and other innovative approaches, guided by the ten elements of agroecology endorsed by FAO and its member states and the thirteen principles of agroecology articulated by the High-Level Panel of Experts;

2. Strengthen research and development programs to support agroecological transformation, especially by promoting local innovation, through a transdisciplinary and participatory approach between scientists, farmers, indigenous populations and other food system actors;

3. Strengthen the coherence of various sectoral policies with the objective of agro-ecological transformation of food systems, including agricultural, forestry, fisheries, environmental, water, energy, health and trade policies;

4. Ensure that public and private investments support the widespread adoption and implementation of agroecological practices.

The French Minister of Agriculture and Food , Mr. Julien Denormandie, spoke during a specific session of the Summit dedicated to agroecology and recalled France’s commitment to the coalition.

Find below the video presentation of the coalition for agroecology with the participation of the Minister of Agriculture and Food:

For further information:
Read our article on agroecology

Dernière modification : 05/10/2021

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