FAO – 2nd session of the COAG Sub-Committee on Livestock (16-18 July) [fr]

Established by the 42th FAO Conference in June 2021, the Sub-Committee on Livestock has the mandate to discuss and build consensus on livestock issues and priorities, and advise COAG, on means needed to optimize the contribution of livestock to poverty alleviation, food security and nutrition, sustainable livelihoods, and the realization of the 2030 Agenda.


The second session of the COAG Sub-Committee on Livestock takes place from 16 to 18 July 2024. During this biennial session, representatives discuss substantive issues relating to the following themes.

Sustainable livestock systems for food security, nutrition and inclusive economic growth

  • Contribution of livestock to food security, sustainable agrifood systems, nutrition and healthy diets
  • Good practices to sustainably enhance the productivity of small-scale livestock keepers
  • Integrating the livestock sector into national climate actions while considering its adaptation and resilience to climate change, and contribution to biodiversity and ecosystem services

"One Health"

  • Strengthening national coordinated capacities to manage the risks of animal diseases and emerging zoonoses through the One Health approach
  • Progress towards the eradication of Peste des Petits Ruminants
  • Alternative feed practices to promote responsible use of antimicrobials

Use of natural resources, climate change and biodiversity

  • Progress in climate change mitigation and adaptation
  • Links between forests and agriculture
  • Management of soil, land and water resources for sustainable livestock production

Other matters

  • Framework for livestock transformation towards sustainability
  • Global assessment of the contribution of livestock farming to food security, sustainability of agri-food systems, nutrition and healthy eating
  • Creation of a voluntary guidance tool to sustainably improve the productivity of small-scale livestock farmers
  • Alignment of FAO’s work on livestock with the Strategic Framework 2022-31
  • Multi-year program of work Committee on Agriculture Subcommittee on Livestock

Statements delivered by France

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Statement France - item 2.1
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Statement France - item 2.2
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Statement France - item 3.1
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Statement France - item 3.2
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Statement France - item 4.2
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Statement France - item 4.3
(PDF - 293.1 kb)

Dernière modification : 30/07/2024

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